The Reformed Collective

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple... More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

- Psalms 19:7-10

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The God We Worship Is... Sovereign

This is ninth in a series called The God We Worship Is…

The sovereignty of God is usually the attribute most hotly contested amongst modern evangelicals today. It refers to His absolute dominion and freedom in relation to the world He created, to His absolute right to rule and reign over all of creation. This is seen in the whole of Scripture, beginning with Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. Because God is Creator…

The God We Worship Is... Eternal

This is eighth in a series called The God We Worship Is…

Time was created. For time-bound creatures like us, this becomes an impossibility to wrap our minds around, for our language also remains time-bound. For instance, ‘in the beginning’ (Gen 1:1) indicates that God was before the beginning, but the word ‘before’ is time-based vocabulary. So we note that this attribute of God will be exceedingly difficult for us to speak accurately about…

The God We Worship Is... Impassible

This is seventh in a series called The God We Worship Is…

After some time, we will notice that some of the attributes of God are confessed because they are necessary consequences of other attributes. For instance, simplicity is confessed because it follows from aseity. In this case and in the same way, impassibility is confessed because it follows from aseity and immutability.

Impassibility, simply put, states that God does not have passions. The 1689 London B…

The Poor in Spirit

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3).

In these words we see something that is of special importance in Christians. It is what Christ calls the quality of being "poor in spirit". This essay seeks to show that it is the work of the Holy Spirit that a man's heart is changed - from a proud and haughty spirit, to a meek and gentle heart which is poor in spirit. And such a working of the Holy Spi…

The God We Worship Is... Immutable

This is sixth in a series called The God We Worship Is…

Following closely the previous attributes, we are led to confess as well that God is immutable. The immutability of God means that God is absolutely unchanging, in His being, His mind, His purposes and His will – God is unable to undergo any kind of change, any kind of mutation.

Immutability is a necessary consequence of aseity, infinity and simplicity. If God is a se, He cannot change, because that…

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